Cooking time : 15-20 minutes
Serve 4-6
Today is janmashtami..everyone is celebrating lord Krishna birthday. Many of us goes on fast on the eve of lord Krishna birthday….janmastami…Make this awesome fruity creamy delight on your fast.
- Bananas 4 peeled and roughly chopped
- Pears 1 medium finely chopped
- Apple 1 medium finely chopped
- Mango 1 medium peeled and roughly chopped
- Grapes 150 grams cut in half each pearls
- Pomegranate pearls 1/2 cup
- Pistachios 2tbsp (blanched and finely chopped)
- Almonds 2 tbsp (blanced and finely chopped)
- Raisin 2 tbsp
- Cashew nuts 2tbsp finely chopped
- Custard powder 5-6 table spoons
- Milk 1/2 llitre
- Sugar 20 teaspoons or according to your taste
- Fresh cream 1 cup
- Some pistachios ( pista) ,almonds, cashew nuts, raisin and pomegranate pearls for garnishing
1Take custard powder in a bowl Add 1/4 cup of milk (not warm or lukewarm). Prefer cold milk or in with normal temperature. Mix well.
Make sure that there is no lump in your mixture.
Keep aside it.
2Heat non stick heavy bottom pan.pour gently rest of milk in a pan . Let it bring to boil. Simmer the heat .Add gently and very slowly custard milk mixture to the milk while stirring continuously.(Stirring is must to avoid in making lumps in milkly custard batter.)(If you are not aware and not stir well while pouring/ adding custard slurry to the milk there shall be chance to make lumps in your milk custard mixture..
3Cook on slow heat for atleast 5 minutes or until mixtures is thicken while stirring continuously.Add sugar and cook for a while or till sugar melt.
Switch off the heat..
4Beat with spoon or hand beater till smooth.Let it cool down completely while stir occasionally.once it cooled add chopped fruits and dry fruits and fresh cream to the custard mixture. Mix well.chilled in a refrigerator for an hour.
Garnish with some fry fruits and pomegranate pearls .serve chilled.